This time we report from our production site in Worms, Germany. Besides facts about our second plant in Germany, you will also get to know Dennis, a Supply Chain Manager at the site.

Worms is the biggest production site for Röhm MERACRYL® Methacrylate Monomers. In addition to MMA (Methyl Methacrylate), all MERACRYL® Base Monomers such as GMAA (Methacrylic acid), BUMA (n-BMA/iso-BMA), Hydroxyester (HPMA 98, HEMA 98) and MAAmide (Methacrylamide) are produced on the site.

In total, 1072 Röhm employees are working together on an area of 123,5 acres. One of these employees is Dennis, who started his career as chemical technician degree at Röhm, completed his master technician while working and is currently working for the Supply Chain Department in Worms.

“As a Supply Chain Manager, I must keep track of which raw materials can be procured at what time and in what amounts to provide the quantities required by the plant. In addition to negotiating with suppliers, I must also find solutions and manage issues such as when the Rhine doesn't have enough water, or a rail tank wagon is stuck because of a defective locomotive. “, summarizes Dennis in regard to his daily duties. Dennis is not only closely linked to the Worms production site due to his job, but he is as well rooted locally as real “Wormser Bub”´growing up in the city. Therefore, he really appreciates the view from his desk which is directly located on the banks of the Rhine. “I can see the railroad facilities and a large part of the site. I know every ship by name that passes the site at Rhine kilometer 443 and can decode the cargo and destination of all rail tank wagons at the station. Worms and Röhm: For me, both are intertwined and connected.”

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